Monday, August 30, 2010

Time out

There are many children who have experienced the words "time out" as a part of nonviolent discipline. "I think you need a time out." I'm pretty much in the same position. I'm tired after the summer long effort to establish my interim ministry. The hardest thing of late was to attend the Board retreat and to hear Board members talking about getting the year started. That's what I've been doing for two months! It felt a bit like the joker in PE class who would shout "One!" on your 7th sit-up.

So, I'm all set for a time out. I have had a few minor items to finish up, but the pace is different, as is the place. I'm at home, unshaven, and quite happy about the fact. My degree of satisfaction over having an unstructured day makes it abundantly clear: I needed a time out!

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