Monday, June 7, 2010

Time Flies...

It just occurred to me that this month marks the 25th anniversary of my graduate studies with Matthew Fox at Holy Names College. Interestingly enough, that fact came to mind as I was recalling a chant that we used at several rituals that were part of the program. The same chant was referenced in the website of the Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPS), an organization that is affiliated with the UU Church of Spokane where I've been working. As I read the words of the chant, the music came back to me. "How long has it been?" I mused. Then, to my surprise, I realized it has been twenty-five years.

I have related some of the stories of that year to our kids from time to time. Given that this is the 25th anniversary of that year's completion, I think I'll do my best to recall some of the events of that year that so shaped and informed our lives over the subsequent quarter of a century.

But not now.... Gotta jump on my bike and ride downtown to "pick up" Sally for the ride home from work. Apparently time flies whether or not you're having a good time, though truth is, I haven't had enough bad times to know if that makes any difference. How fortunate I've been!

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