Sunday, April 11, 2010

My Trip Caught Up With Me

Upon arriving back in Spokane following my trip to the Final Four, I was amazed at how good I felt. Given the miles and hours I had put on, I was doing really well... until mid-afternoon yesterday. I had quite a little letdown yesterday afternoon. It was experienced as physical fatigue, but also as mental exhaustion bordering on depression. OK, I also experienced a seal failure on my precious Presso coffee maker, and that influenced my mood. Still, by 7pm I was ready to hit the sack.

Today has been somewhat better. Sally and I got up fairly early and shared a nice breakfast. I then turned my full attention to doing my taxes, and had that nasty task completed by around noon. I have discovered the significant tax advantages of not having much income. Hurrah, I guess.

Sally is heading off to Omak for three days for a series of meetings with contractors on her big design project, so I'll be on my own for a few days. Thankfully (!) there is a new wave of tension at the church, so I'll have plenty of email exchanges to read.

Before I go, I thought I'd share a highlight from the trip. Here's the Corn Palace in Mitchell, South Dakota. You can barely make out the words "Go Dawgs!" emblazoned on the rear window of the Subaru in white shoe polish.

What with visiting such tourist hotspots and all, it's little wonder I'm a bit tired!

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